Research + Planning : Audience Market Research

Research + Planning : Audience Market Research by Salma Taha

The findings of my survey allowed me to identify my target audience by determining who enjoys romantic comedies and who doesn't like them as much. My analysis has led me to the conclusion that, despite the fact that men do occasionally watch romantic comedies, women and girls are the ones who are more likely to do so. 
I believe that the primary demographic is between the ages of 15-35. As I discovered after creating and analysing my questionnaire, the bulk of the audience do enjoy romantic comedies, although they don't watch them very often. 
My seventh question in the survey seems a bit off topic but since my film is set in Dubai, which is considered a wealthy and luxurious city which many people dream to work in for the lavish lifestyle I had to clarify whether my audience would be able to identify with the film or not. Considering Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory, my audience will fit in the 'Personal Identity' section as they understand that they do live a fancy lifestyle. 
However, to establish my secondary audience, the seventh question also benefitted the research into the group as some people may not be 'rich' or financially stable. This can match into the Uses and Gratifications Theory in 'Diversion' since some people enjoy watching those who are wealthier in movies since they are captivated by the high life. Subsequently, they cannot afford to live such a life of luxury so the movies allow them to day dream and escape from the reality of a standard life. 


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