Research : Analysing an Opening Sequence


In the opening sequence of the film, '3 Idiots', an establishing shot of an airplane (Air India) on a runway is shown. This shot type is used to make the audience aware of where the action is happening and shows them the relation between the characters in the film and the place. In this context, the main character is shown to have picked up an important phone call on the plane during takeoff from someone anonymous to the audience. In reality, during takeoff phones should be on airplane mode and switched off however, the man disobeyed the rule and still picked up the phone which suggests that something major and significant in the film has happened. The man then looks around in panic which connotes that he is looking for an escape off the plane. The look of fear on his face also adds a sense of tension in the film and creates an enigma as to what he will do. To link this to the establishing shot, as the audience has seen that he is on a plane, this implies the question in their minds as to how he will get off the plane if it's already taking off and if he even end up finding a way out. The audience will also question who the call is from and where does he need to be that is such an emergency. If the man were to leave the plane while it's moving this could suggest that he will take a risk or put himself in danger which furthermore attracts the audience's attention to the current action. Therefore, the establishing shot helps engage the audience into finding out the rest of the story plot. 

The use of a close up shot of the man removing his seatbelt after the plane has lifted off the ground is also used to keep the audience tense. The use of a close up shot, especially the seatbelt being removed, depicts that this is an important part of the scene that the audience should pay attention to during the scene as it will matter for whats going to happen later on. In addition, this keeps the audience on edge implying more questions in their minds such as is he going to jump off the plane while it is mid air. The audience will begin to believe that the man will commit to risking his life over a phone call while the audience still awaits to know what he heard over the phone. This potentially adds sub-genres such as drama since conventions of this genre tends to be heightened emotions and overcoming obstacles. 

In terms of Mise-en-Scene, while the protagonist is being hurried through the airport in the wheelchair, there is a doctor beside him. This implies that the man needs serious help as it is not 'just' a small faint, he is in a severe condition which requires professional help form someone who is specialised in the medical area. This impacts the audience by making them feel more secure and gives them hope that the protagonist is in good hands and may actually be able to survive. 

The setting of the film seems to be India which fits the type of film it is, being a Bollywood film. This appeals to its target audience being those located in India. The use of cultural clothing such as the female flight attendant wearing the so called 'Ghagra Choli' and the pilot wearing the turban also creates the feeling of union and connection between the audience as they feel that they familiarise with the people on the film. This encourages the audience to remember the film as they created an emotional and cultural connection with them. In future productions of the director of '3 Idiots', the existing audience will want to watch the new Bollywood films hence, they connected and enjoyed the previous film.


Macro elements is presented in the narrative when the protagonist is shown to have fainted on the plane. He is approached upon by the flight attendant who has called the pilot to land the plane for a medical emergency. The protagonist is taken out of the plane with a wheelchair by two men and a woman along his side rushing him across the airport. The protagonist appears to be unconscious in the chair. This again creates an enigma of suspense and indicates to the audience that he is in a life threatening situation and might even die. This subverts the genre of the movie being a comedy by using further drama elements such as overcoming difficulties and trying to save the man. 

Nonetheless, a few seconds later the protagonist peeks open one eye and jumps out of the wheelchair, beginning to dance. This results in the comedy genre fitting with the film after all. A plot twist was used to confuse the audience as the others were staring at him with muddled facial expressions and wonder what's going on and if the man was just faking the injury the whole time. The use of the plot twist also helps keep the audience engaged in the rest of the narrative and maintains their attention to the current action. Moreover, it creates joy and relief for the audience to know that he was not in danger and instead safe.  


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